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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Brown v. Board of Education Case Brief

Brown v Board of Education Case Brief


It was established in the earlier case of Plessy v Ferguson that the relationship between the white Americans and African Americans would be governed in many aspects by the “equal but separate” doctrine. It was said that the racial segregation that resulted out of such a rule was not violative of any right. In fact, it was also claimed to not be violative of the Fourteenth Amendment either as the said doctrine allegedly did not deprive the colored race of the equal protection they were entitled to under the law. However, in this case, this said doctrine was declared as dated and just another way to propagate the unfairness and cruelty of racism and racial segregation.

The case of Brown was a class action suit filed by thirteen parents of various students who attended the Topeka School District. This case was brought about when these said parents were rejected when they tried to enroll their children to one of the nearest schools to their homes. This said school was only for white American children and the parents were told that they had to enroll their children to the segregated school meant for colored children.

At the district level, the case was decided for the Topeka Board of Education, citing the “equal but separate” doctrine. It was established that both the white and black schools had the same facilities, curriculum and even the same level of highly qualified instructors. This case was then forwarded to the Supreme Court, together with other similar suits involving the same issues.

Procedural History:
This case was decided by the United States of America Supreme Court.


The issue was whether or not racial segregation was violative of the Fourteenth Amendment.


The doctrine of “equal but separate” was examined in relation to the Fourteenth amendment clause that guarantees equal protection of the laws.


The focus of this case was on the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause and how it would be applied in relation to the racial segregation that was being complained of by the petitioners, particularly in the public education area. The main argument against the removal of racial segregation was that both the white and black students had all the same facilities as each other so such segregation would not matter. However, it was found by the Court that such segregation did actually have an effect on the African American children. It was found that there were big psychological and social repercussions to such a segregation and that it was clearly disadvantageous to African American children to experience such discrimination. Equal educational opportunities was the main point that the Court elucidated on; more particularly, the lack of such on the part of African Americans.

The Court went on to emphasize how the seemingly continuing support of the government of such a segregation had a very damaging effect on the African American people as it emphasized greatly the concept of the inferiority of the African American race. More specifically, it had a damaging effect on the learning and personality building that children of the colored race experienced. Inferiority was pinpointed as the biggest enemy that was to be eradicated together with the declaration of the unconstitutionality of the aforementioned “separate but equal” rule. Because of this, it was declared that racial segregation, especially in the field of education, was to be no more.


In a unanimous Court decision, it was established in this case that the “equal but separate” rule was detrimental to racial relations, particularly in the realm of public education. Racial segregation was established to be violative of the Fourteenth Amendment.

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