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Friday, September 30, 2011

Essay on Helping Children Cope with the Impact of Divorce

Essay on Helping Children Cope with Divorce

Some marriages end up in divorce.  It is difficult for the parents who struggle to settle their issues. It is also more difficult for the children who may not yet fully understand the reasons why their parents have to live apart. 

When this happens it is essential for the parents to help their children cope with their separation.  If the parents fail to explain properly the divorce to their children it may have adverse impact on their development. gives several suggestions on how to help children adjust to the divorce of their parents

1. The parents should both explain to their children that they will be living separately.  The parents should be honest but they should also skip the ugly details of their separation.  It is also suggested that the parents should tell their children’s teacher about the divorce so they can help observe their children and ask if there are changes in the children’s behavior.

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2.  The parents should expect that the children will have a mix of reactions.  Parents should encourage their children to share their feelings about the divorce and keep an open line of communication.

3. Make sure that the children do not see both parents fighting.  Avoid saying bad things about the other spouse or making accusations against the other in front of the children

4. Parents should avoid bending the rules during this time.  Children want consistency n the rules.  They want routine. 

5. The parents should seek expert help or counseling during this stage.  

6. Always make sure that the needs of the children are addressed.  Be conscious that the children want to see both their parents.  It is best to work out custody arrangements or visitations so the children can still see both parents during this stage.

This is a free Essay on Helping Children Cope with the Impact of Divorce. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written Essay on Helping Children Cope with the Impact of Divorce at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Essay on California Three Strikes Policy - Arguments against Three Strikes Policy

The Three Strikes Policy refers to the policy imposed in many states imposing a mandatory and extended period of incarceration to individuals who have been convicted of serious criminal offense on three separate occasions.

One of its direct effects is that it attaches longer prison sentences to individuals who have been convicted of the crime.  Since it makes the prison sentences longer, it is supposed to serve as a deterrent to certain crimes.  The idea is for the criminals to think twice before they commit a certain crime for the third time since the penalty to be imposed is much higher than the previous convictions.  The State of California justified the imposition of Three Strikes Law on repeat offenders on the basis that repeat offenders are the most difficult criminal offenders to manage (“A Primer: Three Strikes - The Impact After More Than a Decade”, p.1). Repeat offenders are also perceived as unresponsive to imprisonment and they are incorrigible.

It also serves to incapacitate criminal offenders from committing crimes.  The lawmakers think that placing criminal offender behind bars longer will make the society a lot safer.  It is argued that when recidivists are placed behind bars the streets are a lot safer.

While the state of California believes that the Three Strikes Policy is the solution to managing crime, there are those who believe that there are certain disadvantages which should not be neglected.  In fact, there are those who believe that its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.

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Those who are against the Three Strikes policy believe that public money will be used to maintain these criminal offenders.  They base their argument on the idea that the government spends public money for each day that criminal offenders stay in prison.  Consequently, more government money is spent when criminal offenders stay longer in prison.  It should be stressed that states like California do not have enough resources to fund all its public welfare programs.  When government spends public money to maintain these prisons then the public is prejudiced as it divers the fund away from public welfare programs to maintenance of prisons, health care of inmates, and salary of prison officials.

As it is now, California has the highest prison populations in the United States. According to Shane Goldmacher, the number of incarcerated prisons increased in the past two decades mainly because of the tough on crime approach applied by lawmakers (p.1).  Because of the Three Strikes policy inmate population in prisons have increased.   Shane Goldmacher also stated that the costs of maintaining state prisons have also doubled since 2000.

Moreover, Three Strikes policy wastes human resources.  When criminal offenders spend more than a decade in jail simply because they committed a non-serious offense for the third time, valuable human resources are wasted.  Human assets which are supposed to contribute to the improvement of the economy are put to waste.  In this case, Three Strikes policy, deprive the criminal offenders of the chance of parole where they can be released before they have completely served their sentences.  When these happen, they do not have any opportunity to help their family and contribute to their society and to the government.

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Students at Stanford Law Appeals Three Strikes Cases

Students at Stanford Law School Appeals Three Strikes Cases

Are you looking for a persuasive essay on the three strikes law? Do you need arguments against the three strikes law?

The students at Stanford Law School has come up with the Three Strikes Project.  It aims to represent the individuals who have been convicted under California’s Three Strikes Law.  They claim that the prison sentences in California for individuals who have been convicted under the Three Strikes Law are illegally harsh and wrongly calculated.  This is unusual considering that they knowingly represent individuals who are guilty of a felony and who admit that they have committed the crime.

Under this project, they have successfully overturned 14 life prison terms imposed for non-violent crimes under California’s Three Strikes Law.  California’s Three Strikes Law imposes a minimum sentence of 25 years in prison for repeat offenders who have been found guilty of a third felony

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As expected, the victim and their relatives are not happy with the representation being made by Stanford Law School.  They consider the Three Strikes Project naïve and misguided.  For them, the nature of the third felony is immaterial since it is the intention of the law to lock up violent offenders who have committed a third felony after they have received two prior convictions for serious or violent crimes.   

This is a free essay on Students of Stanford Law School’s Appeal against Three Strikes Law. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written Students of Stanford Law School’s Appeal against Three Strikes Law at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Binge Drinking Damages Female Teenagers' Brain More than Male Teenagers

Binge Drinking among Teenagers
Are you looking for essays on binge drinking? Do you need evidence that binge drinking may harm your health? Are you writing a persuasive essay on the impact of binge drinking on one’s health?

Studies say that nearly three in ten American teens in their final year of high school reported to have been engaged in binge drinking. A female teenager is considered to be engaged in binge drinking when he has four or more alcoholic drinks. A male teenager is engaged in binge drinking when he has five or more alcoholic drinks.

For these teenagers binge drinking may be fun and exciting. However, experts say binge drinking may have an impact on your health.

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A study conducted by the University of California, San Diego and Stanford University found that binge drinking can harm the brains of teenage girls and that its impact is more than it does to the teenage boys.

Based on the study, teenage girls who binge drink are more likely to experience negative effects on their brains which may involve less activity in the brain regions that may affect memory.

What can be learned from this study is that binge drinking is harmful to your health, it is even more harmful to female teenagers whose attention and memory may be affected by their binge drinking and that the negative effects on children may even continue long after the teenagers have stopped binge drinking.

This is a free essay on binge drinking and its impact on your health. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom. If you need help we will write well written essays on binge drinking and its impact on your health at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Essay on Alcohol's Long-Term Impact on the Brain

Alcohol Affects Your Balance
Essay on Alcohol's Long Term Impact on the Brain

Are you looking for an essay on alcohol’s impact on the brain? Do you need a persuasive essay on alcoholism and impact on the brain? Do you need evidence that alcohol’s impact on the brain may last for years?

In our earlier post, we mentioned about the effects of alcohol on a person’s mental ability which may linger for years after the individual has stopped drinking.  This post verifies that alcohol’s impact on a person’s ability to balance may continue even after years that the individual hasIndividuals who walk in a wobbly manner and moves clumsily could have been heavy drinkers in the past, said the researchers at the Neurobehavioral Research Inc.

The researchers compared the balance abilities and gaits of diagnose alcoholics who had been sober for several weeks, those who had been sober for an average of seven years and whose with no history of alcohol dependence.  The test consisted in the participants being asked to perform a series of balance tests such as standing heel-to-toe with their arms folded across the chest for sixty seconds, standing on one leg, or walking along a line. 

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The study found that there are activities where recently sober participants performed the worse while there are activities where long-sober participants performed the worst compared to the individuals who had never been alcoholics.

Based on this study, we can learn that individuals who had history of alcoholism suffer temporary ataxia or the lack of muscle coordination to the damage to the cerebellum in the brain.  While there are treatments for alcoholism, there is a point where the damage is just there and that the brain can no longer recover from it. 

This is a free essay on alcoholism and its impact on the brain. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essays on alcoholism and its impact on the brain at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Studies find that Violence can be Related to Alcohol

Are you looking for essay alcohol and violence? Do you need proof that alcohol contributes to violent behavior?

Researchers from the University of California, Riverside gathered data on federal criminal offenders between 13 and 24 and the data on the density of beer, wine and liquor available in the 91 major cities.

The results found that there is a relationship between the availability of alcohol and violence in these major cities.

In a news article entitled “Studies cite link between booze sales, inner-city violence”, there are studies which have found relationship between alcohol, availability of alcohol and violence.

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According to University of California, Riverside, "Taking into account other factors known to contribute to youth homicide rates – such as poverty, drugs, availability of guns and gangs – the researchers found that higher densities of liquor stores, providing easy access to alcoholic beverages, contributed significantly to higher youth homicide rates.”

The findings only suggest that control of alcohol can play important role in controlling violent crime rates.  

This is a free essay on alcohol and violence. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written alcohol and violence  at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Saudi King Revokes Flogging Sentence for Woman Driver

Are you looking for an essay on discrimination in foreign countries? Do you want proof that discrimination exists in foreign countries?

Saudi Arabia is a country in Middle East known for its conservative laws.  An example of its conservative law is the rule that prohibit women from driving a car.  Women who are caught violating this rule can be sentenced to flogging.

 Recently, however, Saudi King Abdullah revoked a flogging sentence for women who violated its strict law against women driving cars.  Apparently, Saudi King Abdullah is implementing sweeping changes in the legal system in Saudi in an effort to remove the system of subordination of women in Saudi. 

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He also announced other changes that can be considered as “historic” for Saudi Arabia which are that women will now be allowed to serve as members of the Shura Council and that they can run as candidates and nominates in the next set of municipal elections. 

Though it is not yet clear when the changes will actually take place it is clear that these changes are one step towards women’s equality in Saudi Arabia.

This is a free essay on discrimination in foreign countries. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written discrimination in foreign countries at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tobacco Company Sues after FDA Requires Graphic Health Warnings and Images on Cigarette Packs

            Are you looking for essay on the impact of graphic warnings placed on cigarette packs? Do you like to know whether the government can require cigarette companies to place graphic warnings on their cigarette packs?

            Recently, the Food and Drugs Administration required all cigarette manufacturers to place images such as male corpse with a stitched up chest and a man smoking through a hole in his throat with texts such as “Warning: smoking can kill you” or “Warning: cigarettes are addictive.”

            The tobacco companies filed a suit in court seeking to enjoin the implementation of the requirement. According to Noel J. Francisco, the government cannot make businesses act as an “unwilling mouthpiece” for its advocacy campaign.

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            The FDA said that the images and texts are mere health warnings which are legally permissible under the law.  It added that the warning is factual and noncontroversial. 

            Judge Leon said that he will render a decision on this issue on November. We will update you as soon as Judge Leon has issued a decision. 

            This is free essay on health warnings on cigarette packs.  We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essay on health warning on cigarette packs and other related essay on smoking and government regulations at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

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Case Analysis of District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290

Gun Control Law

            Are you a Gun Control Law supporter? Are you against Gun Control Law? The case of District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290 presents a sound argument in favor of and against Gun Control Law since the case both protected the right of the people to keep and bear arms but also imposed limitations on this right.

            Below is a short summary of the case.

Facts: A law in District of Columbia bans possession of handgun and makes it a crime to carry unregistered firearm.  It also prohibits the registration of handguns.  It also requires residents to keep lawfully owned firearms unloaded and dissembled or bound by a trigger lock or similar device.  Heller who is a special policeman applied to register a handgun that he wants to keep inside his home but the District of Columbia refused.  As a result, he filed a suit seeking to enjoin the District of Columbia from enforcing the bar on registration of handguns, the licensing requirement, and the trigger-lock requirement.

The District Court dismissed the suit but the D.C. reversed holding that the Second Amendment protects the right to possess handguns and that the law violates this right.

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Issue: Whether the District of Columbia law violates the Second Amendment

Held: The Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to keep and possess firearm unconnected with service in militia and to use the firearm for lawful purposes such as self-defense within the home and hunting.  However, like most rights protected under the constitution, the Second Amendment is not absolute.  It does not grant a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner and for whatever purpose.  Also, the Second Amendment does not apply to prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons, mentally ill individuals. The protection of the Second Amendment does not also extent to the prohibition in the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings.  

            Insofar as the ban on the possession of handguns and the imposition of trigger-lock requirement, they violate the Second Amendment.  The total ban amounts to a prohibition of an entire class of arms that Americans choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense.  

            This is case analysis on District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290.  We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written case analysis on District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290 and other related cases at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

Supreme Court strikes Down D.C. Gun Control Law for Violating Second Amendment

Gun Control Law

            Are you looking for information on your persuasive essay on Second Amendment? Do you need facts to add in your essay on the right to keep and bear arms? The case of The case is District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290 provides a rich source of information for students who are both in favor of gun control law or against the gun control law.  For a summary of the case, please read Case Analysis of District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290

            In 2009, the United States Supreme Court, ruling on the issue of the constitutionality of a law in District of Columbia which banned guns, said that Americans have the right to own guns for self-defense and hunting.  Consequently, it rendered unconstitutional the 1976 District of Columbia law banning all handguns.

            Justice Antonin Scalia said that the United States Constitution does not permit “the absolute prohibition of handguns held and use for self-defense in the home.” The Supreme Court also ruled against the District of Columbia’s requirement that firearms should be equipped with trigger locks or kept dismembered.  
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            As a backgrounder, Dick Anthony Heller, a security gun, filed a suit after the District of Columbia denied his application to keep a handgun at his home for his protection.  The District of Columbia denied the application based on a law adopted by the 1976 council which barred residents from owning handguns unless they had guns before the law took effect. The law also required that shotguns and handguns may be kept in their homes provided they are registered but it should be kept unloaded and either disassembled or equipped with locks.

            Andrew Cohen, CBS chief legal analyst said that “"Gun rights advocates now have a fully recognized individual right to bear arms. But gun control advocates now have a Supreme Court ruling that declares that this right, like other rights in the Constitution, is not absolute. So we finally get some clarity in an area of the law that was begging for it.”                 

            This is free essay on Second Amendment and Gun Control Laws.  We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essay on Second Amendment and gun control law at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Obama Believes in the Second Amendment

Gun Control Law
             Are you looking for essay on Second Amendment? Do you need to add strong facts or arguments in your essay on Second Amendment or the people’s right to keep and bear arms?

            In March 2011, Pres. Obama has said that he believes in the Second Amendment.  He said that it protects the right of the Americans to bear arms.  As the president, he is bound by the United States Constitution to honor and respect the protected right.  

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            However, he also added that the Second Amendment does not stop the federal government from preventing the illegal transportation of guns from the Untied States to Mexico where a violent drug war rages.  
             This is free information on the Second Amendment which protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.  We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essays on Second Amendment at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Single-Sex Schools are Not Necessarily Better than Co-Ed Schools

Co-ed Schools
            Are you looking for essay on the difference between single-sex schools and co-ed schools? Are you looking for evidence that single-sex schools can have adverse consequences on the child’s development?

            A recent study shows that separating the two sexes, boys and girls, may not be the best way for either gender to learn and grow.

            In the past, it was believed that the brains of boys and girls are wired differently.  Educating the boys and girls different require different teaching styles.  As such, it is suggested that it is best for the learning and intellectual development of children to be separated.  

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            Recent studies, however, did not find any evidence that boys and girls have different learning styles.  In fact, the report states that students who attend single-sex schools are not better educated than those who attend co-ed schools but are more likely to accept gender stereotypes.  According to Lynn Liben, a professor of psychology, it is more likely for children in single-sex schools to have limited occupational aspirations.

            This is a free persuasive essay on comparison between single-sex schools and co-ed schools.  We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essays on comparison between single-sex schools and co-ed schools at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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The Execution of Troy Davis and the Virtues of Due Process and Clemency

Lethal Injection

            Are you looking for a persuasive essay on capital punishment or death penalty? Are you searching for an essay on the execution of Troy Davis? Do you want to add information in your essay to make it more impressive?

            A few days ago, Troy Davis who was convicted of killing MacPhail was executed.  Before that he filed a final appeal with the state of Georgia and 7 of the 9 witnesses against him had recanted their testimonies.  The United States Supreme Court also denied his application to stay the execution.

               As a backgrounder, Davis was pistol-whipping a homeless man after asking him for a beer when MacPhail who was working as a security guard rushed over to help him.  It was alleged that Davis had a smirk on his face when he shot MacPhail in a Burger King parking lot.

            The execution of an individual, such as what happened to Troy Davis, is always contentious issue.  It is a contentious issue because it involves the interplay of several virtues which are being observed in the United States Constitution and the American society.

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            On one hand, the victims and the relatives of the victims are asking for closure.  The courts also want the doctrine of the finality of all judgments to be enforced.  This means that all litigations have to end somewhere.  When the issues have been resolved and all legal measures have been taken including an appeal, then only recourse is to implement the decision of the trial courts.

            On the other hand, the defendant who asks for a stay in his execution is also seeking to exhaust all legal remedies that the constitution has provided him.  In the news article entitled “Troy Davis and constitutional virtues”, Marc Osler, a professor of law and a federal prosecutor, said that those who are seeking a stay in the execution are banking on the virtues of due process and clemency.

            Under the doctrine of due process, all individuals who are accused of a crime are entitled to exhaust all legal remedies to defend himself.  This is a protection that is guaranteed to make sure that the person to be executed is indeed guilty of the crime charged.  The defendant who is also seeking for a stay in the execution is only asking for mercy.  When there is doubt on the guilt of the inmate who is about to be executed is it only right for the courts to grant the stay in execution so his case can be reviewed?

This is a free essay on capital punishment and on the execution of Troy Davis. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essays on capital punishment and virtues in the execution of Troy Davis at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

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Reasons Why Muslims are Angry at the United States


Are you looking for an essay on terrorism? Do you want to know the reasons why terrorists attack the United States?

A good topic in an essay on terrorism is the topic on the hatred/anger of the Muslims in the United States.  It is common knowledge that one of the reasons for the terrorist attack in the United States is the anger among Muslims. Yes – there is a widespread anger at America in the Muslim word.

In the news article entitled “Why Muslims are Still Mad at America”, Steven Kull explained the reasons why Muslims are angry at the United States which we summarize for the students who have no time to read the lengthy news article. 

Important points in the news article “Why Muslims are Mad at the United States”

1. Muslims do not support terrorist attacks in the United States.  While Muslims are angry at the United States it does not mean that they support the Al Qaeda.  In fact they believe that their actions are morally wrong which makes the Al Qaeda unpopular.

2. Muslims perceive that the United States seek to undermine Islamic culture.  Instead of taking efforts to prove that this perception is wrong, United States engages in actions that support and reinforce this perception.  For example, after the 9/11 attack, the United States continued with its foreign policies on occupying Muslim countries.  It went to Afghanistan, Iraq and expanded its forces based in the Gulf.  

3. Historically, since the time of the Middle Ages, Christians in the West have sought to break down the grip of Islam on the Muslims.  Islam, however, survived because they held on their religion. 

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4. From the point of view of Muslims, it has been the goal of the United States to influence the evolution of societies in accordance with the development of the United States.  This means the slow banishment of religion from the public sphere paving the way for pluralism and diversity of beliefs in the private sphere while maintaining a secular public sphere.  For Muslims, however, Islam is not only a religion but a way of life.  They cling to Sharia as the basis of their law and not the will of the people.  

5. For Muslims, the United States classifies Muslim societies into two.  The first are those which are progressive liberal and secular. The second are those who are regressive Islamist seeking to retain the backward Islamic traditions. The United States supports the former but abhors the latter.  The United States support for the former is only perceived by the Muslim societies as the way for the United States to undermine the influence of Islam in the Muslim way of life.

6. The United States wants to promote the ideals of democracy which is the will of the people and freedom of religion which is respect for everyone’s religion.  In other words, they want liberalism.  Muslims, however, just want to be left alone.  They want to preserve the Islamic foundations of their society.  They want Islamic principles to govern their public life. They want the Sharia to play a role in their justice system.  Integrating these views is a serious challenge.

7. Muslim perception of the United States will change and relationship between the United States and Muslim countries will improve only once the United States has learned to accept that the Muslim countries had chosen a path that is different from the path the Western countries had chosen.  Muslim countries just want to be left alone.  They do not aspire to democratic principles the United States is promoting or the Freedom of Religion that it seeks to spread.  The United States should understand that when the Muslim countries feel tat their religion is being threatened hostility may start.

This is a short summary of the news article “Why Muslims are Still Mad at America.” We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States.  If you need help we will write well written essays at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.

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Experts Warn against Unregulated Stem Cell Treatment Abroad

            Are you looking for an essay on Stem Cell treatment? Do you need ideas and facts to add to your essay on Stem Cell Treatment?

            Recently, in the news release entitled “Experts caution against stem cell treatments abroad”, it was stated more individuals are undergoing Stem Cell Treatment in countries like Germany, Panama and Thailand to find solution to various orthopedic injuries, heart diseases, neurological conditions and even autism.  

            Consider the case of Peyton Manning, an Indianapolis Colts quarterback, who went to Europe to get stem cell treatment.

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            Scientists and experts believe that there is great potential for stem cell treatment in terms of healing diseases, injuries and ailments.  However, the stem cell treatment is not approved in the United States which forces individuals to go abroad to have this treatment.

            Individuals seeking stem cell treatment should take extra precaution and inquire about the risks involved.  There are two problems that experts say the patients should take due consideration

1. The doctors who conducted the stem cell treatment do not have the opportunity to examine the patients again.  Since the stem cell treatment is still at its infancy stage complications can arise. It is necessary for the patients to be able to consult the doctors.  It is however difficult to do if the doctors are in Thailand and the patient is in the United States. 

2. Since the stem cell treatment is still unregulated and there is still no standard the treatments patients receive may be different every time they get the treatment.

3.  If it is unregulated then patients also need to be worried about the quality of the treatment they are getting.

This is a free essay on the Risks of Undergoing Unregulated Stem Cell Treatment Abroad. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essay on the Risks of Undergoing Unregulated Stem Cell Treatment Abroad at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Obama Waives Some of the Requirements of the No Child Left Behind Policy

            Are you looking for ideas on the No Child Left Behind Law? In order to impress your professor you need to be updated on the recent news and information related to the No Child Left Behind Law

            The No Child Left Behind Law is a statute that was passed in 2001 under the term of President Bush. In line with the policy of improving the country’s educational system, it required public schools to meet targets aimed at making all students proficient in reading and math by 2014 to avoid stiff penalties.  One of the penalties involved was the reduction in federal support.

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            On September 23, 2011, Pres. Obama stated its plans to waive certain requirements imposed under the No Child Left Behind Law.  As of now, there is no clear statement on what the requirements are but it is believed that Pres. Obama will waive various demands under the No in return for credible commitments to close the achievement gaps.

            This is a free essay on the No Child Left Behind Law. We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help we will write well written essays on the No Child Left Behind Law or other related essays at very affordable costs starting at $7.50/page.


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Starbucks Barista Sues Starbucks for Failure to Protect Her against Sexual Harassment

            Are you looking for essay on sexual harassment in the workplace? Do you need to add hard facts in your essay on sexual harassment to impress your professor?

            The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in the news report entitled “6-Year-Old Starbucks Barista Sues Over 'Sex Demands' at Work” said that an “alarmingly high number of high school students are reporting sexual advances from their adult bosses at supervisors at some of the famous fast food chains. 

            Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue.  It does not only expose the persons responsible for criminal liability but the fast food company can also be sued for civil liability if it is established that the company failed to institute measure to protect the employee concerned. 

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            In a recent case, Kati Moore filed a suit against his 24 year old supervisor whom she alleged made daily demands on her for sex after she began working as a barista at Starbucks.  She also alleged that the supervisor would text her and ask her for sex almost all the time.  She added that the other Starbucks supervisors and managers knew what was happening but they did nothing to stop the sexual advances.

            The supervisor already pleaded to the felony charge of illegal sex with a minor and is serving four months in prison. 

            The teenager also has sued Starbucks for its failure to protect minor employees from the sexual harassment from their supervisors. 

            We are the leading provider of affordable essay writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.  If you need help in writing an essay on sexual harassment in the workplace we can help you write well written essays at very affordable cost starting at $7.50/page.

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