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Friday, January 4, 2013

Essay on Comparing The Tragedies in Oedipus the King and Antigone

Essay on Comparing The Tragedies in Oedipus the King and Antigone

The two main characters of the same titles, Oedipus the King and Antigone, are both victims of circumstances beyond their control. Both are ignorant what could be the outcome, and suffer for their actions where in the end of both plays they meet their doom. 

The two masterpieces the modern world is enjoying have two characters whose personalities are compared and differed.Both stories are gripping and intense. The reader can feel the grief of the two heroes. Oedipus became a blind outcast after saving his city from the plague. Antigone chooses to meet death for the sake of the ideal. The question is: which play is more tragic, Oedipus the King or Antigone?      
In Oedipus the King, the hero as well as the secondary characters, Jocasta and Laius, unwittingly made actions regardless of the revelations that are naturally growing as the story goes on. Scholars evaluate the play Oedipus the King in the aspect between fate and freewill. The story opens with the city of Thebes in plague. The Theban priests call for Oedipus to find a way to end the crisis. Oedipus displayed himself as a hero of his own will and a victim of fate. Oedipus is a daring, conceited and mistrustful man. Oedipus had saved them before from the Sphinx by solving the riddle, and they are confident that the king will save them from another calamity. What he did not know, however, that the plague which is happening result from his own deed. The riddle they are trying to answer now is, “who killed king Laius?” His hasty spirit is eager to find out the cause, but his quick temper prevented him from knowing Teiresias’ revelation.  Only from the herdsman he finds out the truth, again he is successful in saving his city but the outcome brings out a bitter price (Hadas) (Sophocles).

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Sophocles explored the political grounds by telling story about statesmanship and individual rights. In Antigone we read about a daring heroine who disobeys the state by burying her own brother Polyneices, and suffered martyrdom as a result. In the story shows how the potential of Antigone to stand up for the defenseless, she is concerned about the god-given rights in attending proper funeral rights. Creon is another tragic hero in the play, who represents as a meticulous ruler who cares about unity and the state. Both two suffered consequences for what they have done, but the tragedy is for Antigone and not for Creon, whose actions served as cause for the deaths of Haemon and Eurydices. (Hadas)
While both plays arouse pity from the readers, Oedipus and Antigone’s tragic ends are due to contradicting causes. Antigone is aware of the situation she is in and uses it to gain sympathy from others. Oedipus is unable to see the real situation but he does not want pity from those around him. Antigone’s major flaw is burying Polyneices against Creon’s will, and her sanity is in question when she shows a desire death for herself. Oedipus’ ultimate failure comes from his pride and desire to rise himself above others. 

Oedipus the King is more tragic than Antigone for the dramatic irony throughout the play. He is doomed before tragedy befalls him. His suffering continues as he is forced to live in punishment worse than death. He punished himself by putting his own eyes and had been cast out from Thebes. But his blindness served as his catharsis, he chooses to live for the truth.  Oedipus is the perfect tragic hero, thus his story induces greater connection to the audience.

Works Cited

 Hadas, Moses, ed. Greek Drama. New Edition. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, September 1983.

Sophocles. Antigone, Oedipus the King, Electra. Ed. Edith Hall. USA: Oxford University Press, 1998.

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