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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Research Paper on the Role of Nurses

Research Paper on the Role of Nurses

When you hear the word nurse or nursing, what thought enters your mind? Would you envision a person in a clean white crisp uniform with medications and a syringe in hand? Or would you imagine your mother caring for you when you’re sick and can’t get out of bed? Most people would associate nurses or nursing with health and caring and they are right on the dot. Nurses are the main engine in the provision of health care in the global community. When you look into the number of health workers in any hospital no matter the location, you would find that nurses are the majority. A health institution will not run smoothly in the absence of nurses. However, the nurse’s role is not only limited in the hospital setting. They can also be found performing their duties in the community through health centers.

Nurses serve as advocates of health. They are the front liners in health promotion among the citizens, ensuring that proper information is disseminated for disease and injury prevention as well as early detection of illness. They care for the sick and help them in their recovery and provide palliative care for the dying. Whether which stage of life a person is, nurses always have a role to play because when it comes to life, good health is the best wealth and nurses do their best to safeguard it.
In the field of politics, nurses also play a part especially in the revision of health policies or the creation of new ones. With their expertise on the issues of health, they provide relevant information to the leaders so as to come up with patient friendly policies ensuring a comprehensive health agenda. Also, nurses can be environmental activists. It is known that a good environment is essential to health. Environmental changes such as climate change have health implications and thus nurses work on raising awareness on such matters as well (Higenbottam 2).

The role of the nurse in the global community can be summarized in a line by the Global Health Workforce Alliance: Nurses do more than care for individuals, their role is broad, far-reaching role and central to community health (“Statement on the Occasion of International Nurses Day, 12 May 2008”). Nurses are indispensable members of the health care team, they serve as the framework on which health care provision is built.

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